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Version: 3.18.1


The allowDynamicBackends() function is used to control whether or not Dynamic Backends should be allowed within this Fastly Compute Service.

By default, Dynamic Backends are disabled within a JavaScript application as it can be a potential avenue for third-party JavaScript code to send requests, potentially including sensitive/secret data, off to destinations that the JavaScript project was not intending, which could be a security issue.

Note: This feature is in disabled by default for Fastly Services. Please contact Fastly Support to request the feature be enabled on the Fastly Services which require Dynamic Backends.




  • enabledOrConfig : boolean
    • Whether or not to allow Dynamic Backends


  • enabledOrConfig : object
    • connectTimeout : number optional
      • Maximum duration in milliseconds to wait for a connection to this backend to be established.
      • If exceeded, the connection is aborted and a 503 response will be presented instead.
      • Throws a RangeError if the value is negative or greater than or equal to 2^32
    • firstByteTimeout : number optional
      • Maximum duration in milliseconds to wait for the server response to begin after a TCP connection is established and the request has been sent.
      • If exceeded, the connection is aborted and a 503 response will be presented instead.
      • Throws a RangeError if the value is negative or greater than or equal to 2^32
    • betweenBytesTimeout : number optional
      • Maximum duration in milliseconds that Fastly will wait while receiving no data on a download from a backend.
      • If exceeded, the response received so far will be considered complete and the fetch will end.
      • Throws a RangeError if the value is negative or greater than or equal to 2^32

Return value



In this example an implicit Dynamic Backend is created when making the fetch request to and the response is then returned to the client.

/// <reference types="@fastly/js-compute" />
import { allowDynamicBackends } from "fastly:experimental";
async function app() {
// For any request, return the fastly homepage -- without defining a backend!
return fetch('');
addEventListener("fetch", event => event.respondWith(app(event)));