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Version: 3.33.2


The KVStore constructor lets you connect your Fastly Compute application to a Fastly KV store.

A Fastly KV store is a persistent, globally consistent key-value store. See Data stores for Fastly services for initialization and usage details.

Note: Can only be used when processing requests, not during build-time initialization.


new KVStore(name)

Note: KVStore() can only be constructed with new. Attempting to call it without new throws a TypeError.


  • name : string
    • The Fastly KV store which should be associated with this KVStore instance

Return value

A new KVStore object.


  • TypeError
    • Thrown if no KV Store exists with the provided name
    • Thrown if the provided name is longer than 255 in length
    • Thrown if the provided name is an empty string
    • Thrown if the provided name does not start with an ascii alphabetical character
    • Thrown if the provided name contains control characters (\u0000-\u001F)


In this example we connect to an KV Store named 'files' and save an entry to the store under the key 'hello' and then read back the value and return it to the client.

/// <reference types="@fastly/js-compute" />

import { KVStore } from "fastly:kv-store";

async function app(event) {
const files = new KVStore('files')

await files.put('hello', 'world')

const entry = await files.get('hello')

return new Response(await entry.text())

addEventListener("fetch", (event) => event.respondWith(app(event)))