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Version: 3.32.1



This Class is deprecated, it has been renamed to ConfigStore and can be imported via import { ConfigStore } from 'fastly:config-store'

The get() method exists on the ConfigStore Class.

The get() method returns the value associated with the provided key in the dictionary. If the provided key does not exist in the Dictionary then this returns null.




  • key : string
    • The key to retrieve from the dictionary.

Return value

A string representing the specified Dictionary value or null if the key does not exist in the Dictionary


Get a value for a key in the dictionary. If the provided key does not exist in the Dictionary then this returns null.

The get() method requires its this value to be a Dictionary object.

If the this value does not inherit from Dictionary.prototype, a TypeError is thrown.


  • TypeError
    • Thrown if the provided key is longer than 255 in length
    • Thrown if the provided key is an empty string


In this example we have an Edge Dictionary named "animals" and we return the "cat" entry as the response body to the client.

/// <reference types="@fastly/js-compute" />
import { Dictionary } from "fastly:dictionary";
async function app (event) {
const config = new Dictionary('animals');
return new Response(config.get('cat'));
addEventListener("fetch", event => event.respondWith(app(event)));