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Version: 3.33.2


The BigInt() function returns a value of type bigint.



Note: BigInt() can only be called without new. Attempting to construct it with new throws a TypeError.


  • value
    • : The numeric value of the object being created. It may be a string, an integer, a boolean, or another BigInt.

Return value

A BigInt value. Number values must be integers and are converted to BigInts. The boolean value true becomes 1n, and false becomes 0n. Strings are parsed as if they are source text for integer literals, which means they can have leading and trailing whitespaces and can be prefixed with 0b, 0o, or 0x.


  • RangeError
    • : Thrown if the parameter is a non-integral number.
  • TypeError
    • : Thrown if at least one of these conditions is met:
      • The parameter cannot be converted to a primitive.
      • After conversion to a primitive, the result is undefined, null, Symbol.
  • SyntaxError
    • : Thrown if the parameter is a string that cannot be parsed as a BigInt.